Project Description
Ray Redington Jr., grandson of Iditarod sled dog race co-creator Joe Redington Sr., needed a website to represent his sled dog kennel, Redington Kennels.
Ray Redington and his wife Julia and their two kids live in Knik, Alaska on land bought from Ray’s grandparents’ estate. Their home, where Redington Kennels is also located, was the original food drop site for the first Iditarod races in the early ’70’s. The property has direct access to the historical Iditarod Trail. It also overlooks Knik Lake where the Knik 200 Joe Redington Sr. Memorial Sled Dog Race starts and ends, a race in which Ray regularly competes.
Team Redington includes not only Ray, but his wife, two children, and other mushers. Team Redington is responsible for raising, training, and caring for several dozen husky dogs which power the kennel’s teams of up to 16 dogs each. Though the 1,000-mile long Iditarod sled dog race is perhaps the best known of the races they enter, Team Redington competes in many sled dog races throughout Alaska’s long winter season.
Ground Effect Media was tasked with the challenge of creating a website for Team Redington that reflected the storied history of the Redington family and legacy, while also highlighting the significant, independent achievements of Ray Redington Jr. The site’s design incorporates generous usage of white color and space to represent snow, an ever-present feature of winter in Alaska and the prime ingredient for any thrilling sled dog race. Legacy photos and firsthand accounts of races provide an insider’s view of what it’s like to compete in the equivalent of winter’s NASCAR.